Add matplotlib Cheatsheet Shortcut


Error of the Week

I found these handy shortcut cheatsheets for matplotlib. Even though I work with it almost everyday I find myself constantly looking up stuff. Switching into the web to search is distracting to my workflow.

I added them as a bash alias first in case I want to access them from the terminal

alias mpl='feh ~/matplotlibCheatSheet.png -. & feh ~/matplotlibCheatSheet2.png -.'
  • you may need to download feh, slap a sudo apt install on it. The .- downsizes it from full screen. Should work on tiling as well.

If you really wanted to do this the proper way you could write a script to fetch updates from the github repo then recompile the filed and display it but I just downloaded the pdfs. I might do that later if I keep using this.

Then add a keyboard shortcut.


Created by Kirk Hutchison and Allison Kubo Hutchison, © 2019